The Ghosts of Christmas | Week Two

“You’ve gone through life not noticing a lot.” – Ghost of Christmas Present


Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk—not as unwise people but as wise— making the most of the time, because the days are evil.  Ephesians 5:15-16


Chronos – quantitative, minutes, 


Kairos – qualitative, moments, opportunity 


Lord, make me aware of my end and the number of my days so that I will know how short-lived I am.

In fact, you have made my days just inches long, and my life span is as nothing to you.

Yes, every human being stands as only a vapor. Psalm 39:4-5


“There is never enough time to do or say all the things that we would wish. The thing is to try to do as much as you can in the time that you have. Remember Scrooge, time is short, and suddenly, you’re not here anymore.”  – Ghost of Christmas Present 


 “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity.” 

– Leonard Ravenhill 


Teach us to number our days rightly.  Psalms 90:12 


3 Opportunities We Have Today: 






“The first act of love is always the giving of attention.” – Dallas Willard 




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